Wednesday, May 8, 2013

SO ive been told...

So, I'm sure like me you have all been give lots of advise from others about how you should or shouldn't  deal with your anxiety. What you should or shouldn't eat, what you should and shouldn't take as far as medication. It can be overwhelming and quite frustrating, anyone else feel this way??

Truth is, I BELIEVE that every single person has a different kind of anxiety. My anxiety is fear of places, fear of being away from home, basically fear of having an anxiety attack. While, friends of mine have anxiety while trying to sleep and just thinking of life stresses, and I'm sure if you are reading this then you or someone you know has anxiety, and I'm sure their fears and symptoms are different than mine. So, with that being said, WHO can say what will or wont work for anxiety when there are SO many different kinds. 

I kinda like to look at it this way when i hear advise or someones opinion, "What is it going to hurt to try?" If its something that you are comfortable trying, then why not. You can only gain from trying new things to help, not loose. If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work. But what if it does work, or at least help??? Then you gained SO much.

I have been sooo paralyzed by fears that i could not even TRY some of the things that people are telling me to do. For example, everyone says that exercise really helps because it releases endorphins in your brain, and i guess that is helpful for your nervous system. I have personally been afraid to work out for years, because any time that my heart rate goes up, i instantly panic. I feel out of control with my body. I am a bit overweight, so working out and exercising would only benefit me, and help my body, even if it does NOT help with my anxiety. Since i have been on my medication, that feeling of being afraid of my heart racing is slowly dissolving, and little by little I'm working up to where i can really get it going. I am not a DR, and there MAY be medical reasons why you shouldn't, but my goal for the month of May, is to be able to start an exercise routine. Will you do it with me?? I don't even know if anyone is reading this blog, but i you do.. will you be my accountability partner??

What do we have to loose?? Maybe you are the skinniest person in the world, but you could still exercise for your health right? If you are reading this, and you decide to join me would you just comment on this post, all i need you to say is ME. That way i know that i have someone out there with me on this goal.

Maybe you are like me, and its just not the right time for you to begin a workout.. and that is OK!! I know what it feels like to be unmotivated and unable to begin something like that! So maybe next month, or the next.. but i could still use the support for myself, and if you need mine for any of your challenges, i can do that too!!

SO this is my plan, figure out a way to work exercise into my routine by the end of this month. As i said before, im a bit overweight, and its limiting i feel. But i would LOVE to run, become a runner, and wake up at the crack of dawn and just set out by MYSELF, run, feel the morning air, pray, think, sing.. whatever i wanna do, just clear my head and RUN. But HAHA every time i attempt to run, lol.. its well.. lets just say things move that shouldn't.. or jiggle should i say!! HEHE

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